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Hey to all you plant-loving Pooch Parents out there! 

We know your home is your Pooches kingdom and your plant-filled paradise, but did you know that some of those lush, green, leafy friends might not be so friendly to Fido? 

Fear not, green thumbs! We’ve got you covered with a list of harmful plants for dogs and some paw-some, dog-safe alternatives. 

The Bad Apples of the Plant World 

Azaleas: While undeniably beautiful, azaleas can cause nausea, drooling, diarrhea, weakness, and even depression in dogs. The Swap: Instead, plant a cluster of Asters. These colorful and delightful flowers are a tremendous dog-friendly alternative, offering a vibrant pop to your garden. 

Tulips: Those brightly-colored spring favorites are toxic to dogs. The bulbs are the most poisonous part, causing severe digestive problems. The Swap: Snapdragons can give you that pop of color and are safe for your dog to sniff (or pee on)!

Sago Palm: All parts of this plant are toxic to dogs. However, the seeds are especially deadly, causing vomiting, melena, jaundice, and increased thirst. The Swap:  a majestic Areca Palm. They’re non-toxic to dogs and perfect for bringing a touch of the tropics to your living room. 

Aloe Vera: While aloe vera is excellent for humans, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. The Swap: If you’re looking for a dog-friendly houseplant with healing properties, try a Spider Plant. It’s safe for dogs and great for improving indoor air quality. 

Lilies: Many lilies (like the Easter lily, Tiger lily, and others) can cause kidney failure in dogs. The Swap:   a vibrant batch of Sunflowers. They’re a dog-friendly way to brighten up any room or garden! Remember, this list isn’t exhaustive. Always research a plant’s safety before adding it to your home or garden. Contact your Vet or a local nursery for advice if you’re unsure. With these swaps, you won’t have to sacrifice your green paradise for your Pooch’s safety. Now, you can provide your furry friend a sniff-tastic, tail-wagging garden or indoor jungle. So get out there, fellow plant and dog lovers, and make your home a beautiful haven for all its inhabitants. Until next time, stay awesome and keep those tails wagging! 

Remember: If you suspect your pet has ingested a toxic plant, contact your vet immediately or call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435. Always consult with a professional when it comes to your pet’s health.